UAPA Membership
Membership in UAPA offers numerous benefits and keeps our members on top of important, ever-changing issues, trends and legislation within our industry.
Many of our members, however, believe the greatest benefit of being a member is the networking and camaraderie between members within our organization. The owners and employees of your company benefit, and membership also makes a positive statement to your customers. Engagement in your trade association demonstrates your commitment to staying abreast of current developments in the industry. If you are a member, we thank you for your continued renewal and if you are not, we hope that you consider joining.

Producer Members
A producer member is any person, firm, joint venture, corporation or entity who or which is capable of manufacturing, producing or supplying asphalt mixtures in the State of Utah.
Supplier Members
A supplier member is any person, firm, joint venture, corporation or entity who or which is capable of producing and/or supplying asphalt binder products in the State of Utah.
Associate Members
An associate member is any person, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation or entity who or which provides service equipment, contractors, material suppliers, emulsions suppliers, transportation services, consulting engineering firms, testing labs, sub-contractors or others.
Affiliate Members
An affiliate member is any person, firm, joint venture, corporation or entity who or which is engaged in the asphalt industry or that is ineligible for producer, supplier or associate membership status.
City/County Members
A City/County member is any person, firm, joint venture, corporation or entity who is a government agency.